Wednesday 19 August 2020

Transformational Times

If you follow me on social media, you will know that I took some time out from it since May. My journey into inner reflection and solitude has rejuvenated my spirit and left me feeling inspired and ready for the next stage of my journey...

I used the time to dive deep into my studio and focus on some important projects I have not been able to get done!
I spent my days writing, composing, and recording. I also enjoyed yoga, exercising, reading, baking, and creating musical things!

These are transformational times and my business, Music Audio Stories, is also transforming. BIG time! I'm currently working on the release of my first Music Audio Stories EP as well as rebranding the company.  Its taken some time to bring all my ideas together but it's finally beginning to all take shape and I can't wait for the launch of my new website! I will keep you updated on all the new and exciting developments and releases...

I hope you are all finding ways of adapting and thriving in these strange days!


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