Monday 10 March 2014

Solo Acoustic Gig Announced!

Pretty Little Lady? Live Sunday 30th March 


Anna-Christina from Lilygun, Pretty Little Lady? image

Yeah that's right... Me on my own stripping it back for a night of chilled out music. Expect some honest ballsy acoustic songs not for the fainthearted... I got more balls than a Chinese Ping Pong Tournament! ~ACx

AlleyCat Bar
4 Denmark Street
West End
Stage time: 9pm

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Family Fundraiser Photographs

Thank you to everyone who came to this event and to Healthy Planet for organizing such a great day out. We had a lovely day and it was really good fun. Here is a blog post about the event written by Kim Masters (Dream On Day organizer)

Here are some photos from the event: